Welcome to Atwood Acres, our little “peace” of heaven, located in Northern KY. We live on a 25 acre farm just about 15 miles south of Cincinnati, Ohio now in Independence, Kentucky. The farm is home to the Brown family including our beloved herd of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats.
We purchased our first few ND’s in the fall of 2001 and quickly fell in love with these amazing little animals. The herd quickly grew and typically maintained an average of 35-40+ breeding animals.
Being located immediately next to Ohio is a blessing. Dairy goat breeders excel in Ohio with numerous clubs around the state that sanction an impressive number of shows each year. 2005 marked the acceptance of Nigerian Dwarves into ADGA but before then, Ohio consistently supported our breed with AGS sanctions for ND's. We have been proud members of the South West Ohio Dairy Goat Association (SWODGA) for many years.
2009-2012 were challenging years for us with family illness and the economic downturn. We made the heart wrenching decision to disperse our beloved herd and went into early retirement in 2013. Most of our best animals were incorporated into our dear friends', Susan and Jr. Ausman (Wood Bridge Farm), herd where they excelled under their diligent care. In the spring of 2017, we reached out to Susan to see if any of the old girls remained and were fortunate to bring two of our ladies home, Atwood Acres LC Bell and Atwood Acres FT Calla Lily. We are slowly rebuilding Atwood Acres and with the help of several good friends, have been able to add several animals that are direct descendants.
In the spring of 2021, we decided to change directions in our breeding program and began a search for exceptional quality does to bring into our program. We had been working with our long time friends of CUatLilRedBarn farm, Margot and Dan Cassel, to bring a few of their does in when they made the difficult decision to retire and offered us an opportunity of a lifetime- to incorporate their herd into Atwood Acres. In October we began bringing groups to the farm with all 27 being settled in by the end of the year. We are beyond GRATEFUL for the opportunity and EXCITED to see where this adventure will take us.
If you see something you like or have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for visiting!
Greg & Barbara Brown


It's that time of the year when babies are arriving! We have 35+ potential freshenings to start March 4th. If you are interested in an Atwood Acres dairy goat, please visit our kidding schedule (2024 updates are in progress), policy page, as well as our for sale page. Our Facebook farm page is the best way to contact us but you can also reach us via text or email.